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Stories of migration from some of the best young journalists in Mexico, Central America and the United States

Foot Massage

Imelda Robles and Monica Ortiz reporting from Mexico

The foot massage is normally associated with a life of ease, something you might see in a VIP airport lounge or spa. But in a hostel in the border town of Ciudad Juarez, migrants en route to the US can now get foot massages too. The man responsible, local therapist Jorge Gutierrez, worries that we often forget the simple deprivations that migrants face on their journey. He has even accompanied them on that journey, facing terrible danger, and offering massages in cities across Mexico. "It helps them to feel human again," he says.





How one DJ helps weary migrants in an unexpected way

by Monica Ortiz


Dec. 29, 2014

Feet are a symbolic part of practically every migrant’s story: They literally carry their owner's weight along the length of an exhausting journey. And in the Mexican border city of Juárez, one man has made it his mission to care for this particular body part.

Jorge Gutierrez calls himself “El Pelón" — the bald guy. He hosts one of the shows on Radio Guadalupana, a religious station run by the Catholic Diocese of Juárez. Guiterrez invites local do-gooders to talk about their work on his show, and he also takes calls from a fan …

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Se pone en los pies de los migrantes

by Imelda Robles


Feb. 3, 2015

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Alivian sus manos los pies de los migrantes

by Imelda Robles


Feb. 2, 2015

En un cuarto con estantes llenos de medicamentos entran y se recuestan en una camilla, algunos enteros tras intentarlo, otros desgarrados en su intento. Esos pies son el reflejo del tormento que les ha tocado vivir.“Se fue”, responde Tatiana, salvadoreña de 17 años, sin emociones de por medio, como si no le diera importancia al abandono que acaba de sufrir. Es un lunes de diciembre y la temperatura ronda los ocho grados en Ciudad Juárez. Apenas el miércoles de la semana anterior se enteró de que tiene tres meses de embarazo. Cuan do le dijo a su novio, recuerda, él …

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by Monica Ortiz


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