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Stories of migration from some of the best young journalists in Mexico, Central America and the United States

Bridging distances

Mely Arellano and Monica Ortiz reporting from Mexico

Two Mayan communities thrive 2200 miles apart. One in Ozkutzcab, Mexico, the other in San Francisco. Migrants from the town of Ozkutzcab, Yucatan, have established a small outpost in this west coast city, earning greater salaries than they could get back home, and sometimes staying for many years. But ties to home are strong, cemented in the remittances that migrants send to familiy members. Now, with digital technology such as facebook, those ties are kept alive in a different way.





Digital Bridges: An Essential Part Of Mexican Immigrant Life

by Monica Ortiz


July 13, 2015

Social media has become a critical lifeline between immigrants and their faraway relatives. They can share pictures and videos instantly and interact electronically.

In Mexico’s Yucatan Peninsula, immigrant husbands in the U.S. make up for their absence by sending money for smart phones and Wi-Fi connections. Birthdays and weddings are celebrated from a glowing handheld screen. Mexican women meet their newborn grandchildren for the first time on Facebook.

While the new technology helps bridge the distance, families left behind say they’d rather trade their gadgets for the return of their loved ones.

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Social Media Is A Critical Lifeline For Some Immigrant Families

by Monica Ortiz

June 30, 2015

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Paisanos generosos: Migrantes favorecen a Yucatán

by Mely Arellano


May 2, 2015

Los migrantes de Oxcutzcab son tan espléndidos que sus familiares han podido construir casas y poner negocios. Mientras que los michoacanos envían, en promedio, 377 dólares al año, los yucatecos mandan 683

En el traspatio de su casa, doña Sofía Cocom está limpiando una gallina. Hay un cumpleaños y celebrarán con un almuerzo. Atrás de ella, una buena lumbre aguarda la olla donde se cocinará el caldo. Está sentada en un banquito muy bajo y sobre una mesa, va poniendo la carne ya limpia, desplumada. Lleva el cabello pintado de canas en una larga trenza y un …

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by Mely Arellano


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From the field


As co-founder of the online news site Lado B in Puebla state, reporter Mely Arellano knows a story when she sees it. But her trip to Yucatan to work on this assignment, she says, changed her ideas about where migration fits in the daily news cycle

"Mexico is an exporter of migrants, but the issue has ceased to be news. Mostly the media limits itself to repeating statistics without going into depth about how migration has evolved, and what the consequences of migration are in the long term. Living in Puebla, one of the states with highest number of migrants living in the US (we jokingly call New York "Puebla York"), I thought everything had already been said about it."

"My trip was really satisfying. Working with Monica, I got to see how a US radio reporter works. And I got to see migration close up, with different eyes. I really found that there are things that we should still be reporting, that academics and others are already studying, and that should be getting into the media."